Exhibit space requests must be made through Map Dynamics, the official application and payment processor for the GSNA 2025 show.
There are several payment options through Map Dynamics: Credit card, check and invoice.
To make your booth selection online view the online map webpage here: https://shows.map-dynamics.com/gsna2025/?register
The map is updated in real time. This is where you will pick your booth(s) and provide your contact information. You can select multiple booths at a time.
When you click on a booth, it will be added to your cart on the right side of the page. Selected booths will remain in your cart for 45 minutes, and then released. If you are unable to click on a booth, someone else has it in their cart – you will get a red error message on the right side of the page. BROKERS: If you are a broker securing booth space for more than one company and a company wants to apply their corporate member discount, a separate registration for EACH company will be needed to apply their corporate member discount. You can select your booth preferences as a broker, but please use the form linked here to submit your company booth assignments so that the discount can be applied. Broker Submission Form
BOOTH RESERVATION REQUIREMENTS: Booths can be reserved by invoice until 2/28/25. A 50% deposit should be paid by Friday, February 28, 2025, for ALL booths reserved by invoice between January 17, 2025 and February 28, 2025. Booths reserved by invoice between those dates that have not paid a 50% deposit are subject to release. A 50% deposit will be required to reserve a booth between 2/28/25 – 3/14/25. After 3/14/25 payment in full will be required to secure your booth space. All payments MUST be received by March 31, 2025. All payments made AFTER 3/31/25 are subject to a $200 late fee.
SHARED BOOTHS* Shared Booth Fee: $125 per company EACH company IN shared booth must pay the additional $125 sharing fee.
Shared booths may only be occupied by TWO (2) exhibiting companies.
EACH company IN the shared booth must be identified when registering. Changes can be made later if needed. GSNA will not match single companies who want to have a shared booth space. Each company must identify which company they are sharing the exhibit booth space with at the show.
*There are a limited number of booths that may be shared by exhibiting companies. GSNA reserves the right to set a cut-off for shared booths when we have reached capacity. ADDITIONAL BOOTH PERSONNEL: $30 per badge Four complimentary booth personnel badges are provided for each single booth. If you are splitting a booth each company will be able to have two representatives. There will be a $30 charge for any additional personnel added to your booth. All booth personnel must be identified BEFORE arriving on site to receive an official 2025 Conference name badge. GSNA WILL NOT make name badges onsite. ALL name badge information MUST be received by MARCH 31, 2025.